Who's that girl?

Who's that that girl over there
With frizzy, short black hair
It's Google girl yeah yeah
You know it's google yeah yeah

Hey hey hey it's  moi how ya doing folks. I'm Google girl and the little chorus above is the foundation to the next Number one in the charts 😉.  Today I'm just drafting a letter to my future self. The reason being is that at school we're making a time capsule. We will be opening it in year 11 which seems like ages away because it is ages away.

The one we're making as a class won't be physically buried so I want to make my own actual time capsule and I'll do that. This is a short blog since I have to practice violin even though it's blooming 9 at night but hey I've got to do whatever is necessary.

Bye bye like subscribe and comment T.A.W.O.G.Gers.
P.S Look out for my song on the charts 😂


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