Back in school again

Well, hello and welcome to my blog. If your new please subscribe it would mean the world as I'm only a budding blogger. Today was the first day back at school for most of us brits. If you stayed at home I envy you so much.

School was boring, but we did get our science test results. I got 31 out of 40 most would say that's ok but have high expectations for myself because that's just me and I thought I could do better. But we also did a written assessment and I got top marks for that so yay to me.

I'm waiting to buy my new camera and I'm also working on that new page of mine so bare with me. To get more publicity I'm going to start a new chainmail which I'll add In the comments. I can't for the young photographers awards I've taken some photos already so I'm super prepared for that.

So that's it for today goodnight ya'll don't forget to like, subscribe and comment 😘

P.S I have over 100 page views since this is my 20th blog i hope to get my first subscriber.


  1. Chain mail -

    If you're a blogger like me send this chainmail to any blogger friends you have. If you don't have any yet don't worry. Just google some bloggers who are just staring out.
    Use the hashtag #buddingbloggers to expand the family futher by adding it to all your posts on social medias. 📱
    I'm Google girl the creator of this chain mail please click the link to subscribe :
    Add your name with a link to your blog to join the budding blogger squad :


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