Open Evening

Tonight I'll be helping out at school in the drama department. I go to a grammar schools, for those of you that don't know what it is it's a school you can only got to if you pass. The test you have to pass is something called the 11+ which is the most difficult test I've ever taken and we did that test in year six.

This evening young year 5 children will be looking around my school to see what it's like. They will all be sitting the exam in September in hope of passing and going to the school I go to. So on opening evening they are toured around by people that volunteer to be tour guides. But so don't want to be tour guides and help a department instead.

That's what I'm doing. So whenever people come to the drama area they'll see my face whilst we perform. This is to give the year fives an idea of what the school will be like and what the quality of the schools facilities are like too.

I'm not doing much other than that really except from a lot of violin practise  .

That's it from Google  girl. Please go ahead and like, subscribe then comment whatever you want.

Google Girl xoxo


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