Brownies, Peace and Lunch

Last night I did some baking and made scrumptious brownies. I'm home alone at the moment so it's just me and the brownie for now. It seems super quiet in the flat I'm not used to nobody else here it's weird without everyone else.

I'm currently watching Britains got talent from yesterday. It's so good. I'll be going to one of my best friends house today. Our younger sisters are both at an activity day so we'll be having lunch at her place. Yayyy 😊.

Our families are so similar let me explain. So my friend, we'll call her Jem for now, is in my year. Then her sister is the same age as mine. Our mums are both mental health nurses ( we can call my friends mum kanga and her sister roo just like the kangaroos in Winnie the Pooh my mum and sis are just called mum and sister ). Lastly our dads both work in a job realated to Waitrose and they're both the same age. ( Jem's dad is called kiwi because that's a popular bird in New Zealand which is where they're from and my dads just called dad. )

I've got to get dressed and ready to see my friend at 12 that's all for now.

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