

Since this is my anonymous blog I obviously won't reveal my name but you can call me google girl. To be honest I'm not expecting many or even any people to read this so I'm currently writing to myself for now. If anyone does read this they're probably thinking what on earth does T.A.W.O.G.G. stand for, it means the amazing world of google girl. 

I guess this is because I can tell you about me but no one will know who I am. On my blog I'll  generally be talking about my life and some photography. If you knew who I was in real life you probably wouldn't know I like photography it's a bit of a hidden talent you could say.

If this were to ever become popular I might even reveal who I am and make a huge mystery out of it. Sometimes when I post a blog I'll add a photo I've taken too. I'm going through a phase of taking pictures of flowers at the moment as lots of them are blooming and look wonderful. 


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