
Right no way I'm really annoyed.

So I came on to type up my blog and what do I see ?????  

All my lovely blogs didn't and won't upload!!!!!!!

That is quite stressful as my blog isn't progressing an awful lot so this situation wasn't helpful at all only one of my posts wanted to upload and it was the birthday and give away one. So that was very heartbreaking but I have to deal with it. 

So onto the actual blog. Here's a little life update. 

  1. It's the SUMMER HOLIDAYS 
  2. I still have 0 subscribers 
  3. I made a time capsule at school 
  4. I'm going to a barbecue where I won't be able to eat much as I'm a vegetarian and it's blooming chucking it down outside 
  5. It's my last full day in England until my holiday at the Philippines 🇵🇭 
  6. I made a video on YouTube introducing you to my blog. 
Have a great day and keep smiling. Subscribe to me and like then comment if you want.


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