Guess who's back

Hello, it me google girl. Join the fam and become apart of the T.A.W.O.G.G squad. To do so like, subscribe, comment and all that groovy stuff.

I'll just give you an update on what's going on. So a little bit happened but not much. I went for the trails for the basketball team and didn't get in. I may have lied to everyone and said I got in but am quitting this specific basketball team. I regret not being honest but I was so ashamed about not getting and was so crushed.

On Saturday things were a bit spicy. We went to waddeson manor. And you guessed it, it's a manor in waddeson. Anyway we went there and i was looking forward to the day. We came up to the posh restaurant we had booked a table for and saw my worst nightmare. It was my nan .  Most people won't get this but I really don't like her. I have a very complicated family and i can't be asked to explain it but you should be able to get the gist. When I saw her I literally froze. Then I just turned and ran whilst screaming my head off. Then I realised what I was doing and came back to my senses. Later on we were walking about and she tried to take pictures. I adore being in photos but not one taken by her. I walked away then she asked do you like being in photos. I bluntly replied by sayin " I love being in them ".  Things were pretty boring after that though.

Friday was fun. I had a netball tournament all day and missed school. We came third and I got my first medal for netball. At school we'remaling a time capsule and I need some ideas for that so help me out please.

That's all for today. I will try my best to get back in the rhythm of blogging. Even after almost 25 days of blogging I'm still not used to it.

Bye bye xoxo


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