Study, Revise and learn

Hello again people that aren't reading this. We're 20 blogs in and and I feel like an idiot. I'm putting my life online and nobody gives a damm clearly. It's blog 21 and I command you to follow me now. I want 1 subscriber so I'm actually writing for a bloody reason. Initially I was writing for my self but now I want a change.

Not much has gone on in my life just watched love island. Like if you watch it too.  Subscribe as well now stop reading and do it. Ooh actually something did happen. My sis fell down the stairs and took a real big blow on the head and has a right old bruise. I've got the ugliest cold sore in the word and I'm currently lying in my bed typing my life up thinking what on earth am I doing.

I really want my blog to blow up with a booooooom so subscribe I bet you haven't done it so do it right now. If not i may have a mental breakdown. Your probably thinking this is super irrelevant to the title and it is up till this point in time.

I've had sooooo much studying and revision  to do that my head may blow off. It's a lot more difficult to stay on schedule with my blogging soz about that.  Secondary school is a nightmare and I haven't even been here for a whole year yet.

That's all from you girl Google Girl. Make sure you spread the word then like, comment and subscribe. Byeeeeeeee.


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