Hiking Ivinghoe Hills

Today was probably the most scary yet most exciting day ever. Me, my mum and Jem went an a trip to Ivinghoe a just like the past few days our younger sisters went to their sports club whilst us two hang out. This time instead of chilling at the park with ice-creams we did some more adventurous stuff.

So, first we dropped the girls off. Then from there we drove to the hills. When we arrived there since we are idiots we don't bother looking for easy routes; no way we're savages and go straight for the most complex and difficult route. We struggled up and in the end only got half way up. Thankfully, I had an ingenious brainwave and said " I'm not leaving bloody Ivinghoe without climbing this darn mountain, now lets find another way up ". I was really in the zone then and it's not really a mountains it was more like  a large hill.

For here we drove round and found an actual car park !!! We obviously parked there then took a loooooooooooong hike up to the top of the hill. I got some pictures but I didn't my camera so I had to use my phone.

Keep waiting for that new page with all the people that I know. That's all for today by for now. If you are new welcome. Don't forget to spread the word about the T.A.W.O.G.G family then like, comment and subscribe.


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