Back to Ivinghoe hills

I'm a savage ( as Ned from BGT would say 😂) and we decided to do some extreme hiking and went back to Ivinghoe hills. Before I continue I need to explain why I didn't post yesterday. First reason is I  only came back yesterday at 7. Secondly I wrote it up on my computer but it died and I had no time to save it. By this time it's 8 and I started watching BGT and couldn't be bothered to blog.

Anyway back to the story. So we climbed up the hill and had an awesome picnic. So I forgot to mention by we I mean Me, Sis, Mum, Jem and Ginger-corn. After the picnic we had to hike a little bit more then we reached the vet top. This time we followed the actual path instead of the rocky, deadly way. I forgot my phone have no pics and I'm so upset about that.

That's all for now from me google girl. If you are new welcome to the T.A.W.O.G.G family subscribe to become a true T.A.W.O.G.Ger. Don't forget to comment and like too.

P.S The new page should be up by next week Monday keep waiting. I'm putting up another post today as well.


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