
Guys, chillax. I'm not addicted to drugs or something dodgy like that it's all coolio. Just saying this in advance so nobody gets in contact with childline or something. Wouldn't that be funny though !? So sorry I haven't posted. I kind lost heart as I've got a few page views but no subscribers it's really upsetting if you like my blog though please share it and subscribe.

Okay then onto the blog. As the title suggests I have a few addictions at the moment and it is also another reason why I haven't blogged. ( my addiction is still not drugs, achool or smoking so realax. )

1. YouTube 
As I  might of mentioned  I'm kinda obsessed with it but lately it's been a bit much. I'm subscribed to so many great people and my phone is constantly buzzing from all their videos that I seem to have to watch. If no one uploads then I do addiction 2 ( which is coming up ) or find another YouTuber to subscribe to. 

2. Adult Colouring 
Now I 100% blame this on my doctor. I suffer from migraines and they're generally caused by stress and anger. He suggested doing colouring to relax my mind.  I have 10+ colouring apps and have spent so much money on them. My mum gets mad as it's her money I spend ( oops 🙊). 

3. Repeatedly playing songs 
This is more of a habit but I can't stop doing it. It's an issue I've almost always had but I really need to stop, pronto. Whenever I really like a song I play it on repeat and a few days later it where's out and I stop humming and singing it. But this cycle the repeats again and again sometimes I even go back to a song I used to like the do this all over again. 

That's all from today. If you're new to my blog welcome please like subscribe and comment. Byeeeeeee


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