
You may be wondering why this is titled surprised and it's because I'm surprised. Yesterday 7 people read my blog which is shocking as I expected no one to. To those who did read my blog thank very much and make sure you spread the word.

So welcome to day 2 of my blog. I don't have an overly interesting life so I won't be talking about it too much but I do have some plans coming up. I haven't taken many photos but I might post one of my older ones. On the topic of photos I really need a better camera but they're all super expensive. Also yesterday I was watching zoella and saw she had this cool mini printer thing which I should definitely get.

Also I'm loving some fresh music at the moment:

1. I'm the one by DJ khaled ft Justin bieber, Quavo, chance the rapper and lil Wayne
2. Bon appétit by Katy perry ft Migos
3. Despacito (remix) by Louis fonce & Daddy Yankee ft Justin bieber

That's all for today bye.


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